Many would say that this exam is very important and all the P6s must study very hard to compete with one another. Is this entirely true? To me, it's a NO. The vital points you must have to excel are to listen attentively in class, do your work diligently and make the mistakes you have made a lesson to learn. If you study very hard but do not listen in class, then what's the point? Every word your teacher says should be taken in.
Studying is the process whereby you read through and understand a certain subject or topic. My advice to you is to study only what is in your syllabus. Do not over study! Sometimes you may think having more knowledge than the rest will give you a better advantage . This can be an advantage for you but not all the time . Hence you should go deeper in the insights of the topic( if you want ) only after you finish studying the topics in your syllabus .
This is an example :
For instance, you know that digestive juice are added at the stomach and small intestine . Nevertheless,you need not know in depth about what else are added and what ' things' are inside the digestive enzymes. Be straight to the point! Remember, this exam is seeing what you have learnt so far and not trying to make you feel nervous and afraid. Ok?
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