Saturday, 11 October 2014

Is math interesting?

Maths is definitely interesting. However,first of all you must know this subject well in order to appreciate numbers and make maths interesting. Math is very important subject. Don't you agree ? Because you need math for almost everything.
Below are the examples which states:
All this are Maths
-When you need to pay the money to the cashier,you need to count.
- Maybe, your mum asks you to buy 15 apples from the supermarket. You also need to count!
- If you are a salesperson and your shop is having a sale, you also need to calculate how much discount to give. But still, you have to earn a profit. Eg a percentage % discount
- For instance, you have a certain amount of money to buy things. You also need to count and deduct the money you have and save them for the more important items you need to purchase.
- You will be able to read the time efficiently and quickly.

       And there are much much much much much more!

This certainly shows that maths is so important! 

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