Sunday, 5 October 2014

Strategies to solve a sum (1)

Act it out
Take on the role of the people,things or process in the problem and try to do what the do. It may sometimes be helpful to make use of objects to represent the situation or problem.

Use a diagram/model
 Draw a diagram/model to create a pictorial description of the problem. Thia helps you to visualise and understand the problem. It also helps you to 'manipulate' the data.

Make a systematic list(guess & check)
Organise the data. Make a table. This helps you to identify and spot the unknown asked for in the problem.

Look for a pattern(pattern questions)
Examine the available data for patterns or relationships. Having perceived a pattern, you can predict or guess the unknown data or answer.

Work backwards
Look at the end results and work backwards towards the beginning. This is good for problems involving a series of steps or computations. It is also when the problem gives more data about the end condition and little data in the beginning.   

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