Hey guys(to P6s'15), it's been a while since I posted and I know that you guys have just received your PSLE results not long ago!
If your score is around or better than your expectations, then CONgratS!!! But, if your score is not what you expected or you are disappointed at your tee-score, do not feel discouraged-it's over, you can't do anything to change it.
The point is if you had tried your best, put in all your hard work into studying for the PSLE, then you have already done a good job! :) [btw, just for encouragement, PSLE results are not the end of studying journey. You have a longer way to go and excel :-) ]
Now, many of you are thinking,contemplating which school to get into. Do look through the PSLE booklet for schools that shows the tee-score and details of each and every secondary schools in Singapore. With that, you will have a better idea of which school is more appropriate for you.
Actually, the Math in Secondary 1 could be easier for some of you. The methods used to solve the problems are not that complicated. HAHa. (mostly Algebra)